Discover what the numerology of April 2024 holds for you. Uncover how the vibrations of this month will impact your personal year and navigate the opportunities and changes ahead.
To calculate your personal year, add your birth month and birthday to the current year. Example: April 1 birthday = 4 +1 + 2024 (8) = 4 + 1 + 8 = 13 = 4 year.
Numerology runs on a 9-year cycle and each year has a different vibration.
1 year: Plant seeds for what you want to accomplish in the 9-year cycle.
2 year: Focus inward, nurture seeds planted in the previous year.
3 year: A creative year. Integrate the two previous years.
4 year: Set up a new foundation. Diligence and commitment.
5 year: Change. Freedom and expansion time. Surprises abound.
6 year: Home, family, and relationships. A year of responsibility.
7 year: Inner reflection and self-improvement.
8 year: Management and organization focused. Money flows in greater frequency.
9 year: Completion, endings, letting go, and rebirth.
If you are in a 1 personal year, April is a 5 month.
In your year of beginnings and manifestations, April kicks it up a notch. This is your expansive month, freedom, and possibilities. This is a month of surprises, both planned and unexpected. Be ready for change, because it’s coming. Your career, home, and relationships can all move to new levels. Take advantage of opportunities put in front of you. Take risks, take a trip, go on an adventure. You may find your direction shifting entirely. This is a month for self-promotion as well. You have the ability to speak up and use your communication skills to get what you want. Allow the energy to flow. Maintain some semblance of balance, however. There is a lot happening this month and it’s important that you don’t lose yourself in the transition or chaos. There are new heights to reach and new perspectives to view. This is not the month to be an introvert. Take advantage of the 5 energy and reach for new heights. The change this month will elevate your life. Keep a positive mindset.
If you are in a 2 personal year, April is a 6 month.
Relationships are under the spotlight in this 2 year and now even more so with the 6 vibration. This is your home, family, and responsibility month. People will need you more and your focus will be drawn to helping others. You likely want time at home after the expansive 5 month in March. Ground yourself and spend time with family. Take on a home improvement project. This is the month to get your garden ready for planting. What really needs your attention now after your freedom-seeking previous month is your relationships. This is the time to be of service to others. Schedule one-on-one time with those close to you. Put some equity into your relationships. Any energy spent now will be rewarded. Face your responsibilities and complete any obligations you’ve put aside. Don’t deplete your resources, however. Find time for yourself to regenerate your energies. Put your oxygen mask on first. Do your best to create balance and harmony in your life.
If you are in a 3 personal year, April is a 7 month.
This is your creative year to have fun. Enjoy the social activities and use all your creative gifts. This is the month to take your imagination inward. Meditate and visualize what you want to create this year. Next month you will have the number vibrations with you to bring your visualizations into physical form. Take time for solitude and rest after a full month of service to others. Reexamine the course of your life and where you are going. Ask yourself if you’re serving your highest purpose. The 7 energy concerns spiritual pursuits and personal growth. Take a self-improvement class, go on a retreat, or read a self-help book. Now is the time to study metaphysical sciences. Spend time in nature to rest, find solitude, and focus inward. Listen to the voice from within. Trust your intuition and follow your guidance. Create a healthy foundation with your inner self. Take care of your health this month and develop a healthy diet and exercise regime.
If you are in a 4 personal year, April is an 8 month.
This is the year to set up a new foundation for your future. You have been working hard since January and your diligence is rewarded if you choose to continue on this path. Keep your nose to the grindstone, don’t take risks, and just get your work done. The 8 energy focuses on money, management, and being your own authority. Business and career are at the forefront this month. Your authority may be challenged or you may be obliged to step into a leadership role. This isn’t an expansive year, compared to 2025 being ruled by 5 energy, but the 8 vibration allows you to stretch yourself. This is a self-empowerment month where you may learn to be your own authority. Organize and manage your career and home life. Maintain a balance in your material and spiritual worlds. Honor a strong moral code and rewards come to you. Stay positive. Take time to imagine what you want to manifest in your future.
If you are in a 5 personal year, April is a 9 month.
You are four months into a year of expansive change. Being a 9 month, April will focus on letting go, cleaning out, and finishing up anything that no longer serves you. 9 is the number of completion and the more you release, the more room you will have to allow for new beginnings. Lighten your load, clean your closet, and eliminate anything unnecessary in your life right now. May is a 1 month and time to create what you want in your future. There is closure on many levels this month and it is best if you allow this. Be of service to others. Compassion and forgiveness are components of the 9 vibration. Use this month to resolve your differences. Be courageous and trust in the Divine of all things and let go. Any challenging personal growth work of the past year is rewarded during the 9 month. Use your creativity to create what you want to manifest in the future. Serve the greater good.
If you are in a 6 personal year, April is a 1 month.
This is your year to focus on home, family, and relationships. Likely, the ones close to you have needed your attention more than usual. This is the time for you to spend your energy on your relationships. With the 1 vibration behind you in April, make time to decide what you want to create in those associations. 6 is the number of relationships, but the number 1 is a solitary number. You are the major focus this month within those connections. Ride the 1 vibration to visualize new projects. Ask yourself what you really want to bring into your life for the rest of the year. Be determined, decisive, and clear. Set your intention in every aspect of your life. You have leadership energy with you now, so generate the courage to create who you want to be as a person. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your desires and you will produce positive results. The clearer you are in your aspirations, the easier it is to manifest your visions.
If you are in a 7 personal year, April is a 2 month.
In your inwardly focused 7 year, you have likely demanded a lot of alone time to rejuvenate, rest, and connect with the Divine. Continue your introspection work and reflect on what you have put out in the Universe last month. In April, you are not a solitary creature, but you are required to listen to others. Last month you set your intention for the rest of the year and now you get to relax a little and nurture what you want to manifest. The 2 energy slows things down a bit and you’ll be grateful for the slower rhythm. It’s okay to emerge from your meditation cave and communicate with others. In fact, the 2 vibration demands you do so. You are not number 1 now, but rather partnerships are paramount. Diplomacy and cooperation are needed to create harmony. Pay attention to details and take care of the little things you may have missed earlier. This can be an emotional time, so use your best negotiation skills to resolve any issues.
If you are in an 8 personal year, April is a 3 month.
April is your month to use all your creative talents in any artistic endeavor. The 3 energy is behind you to expand your imagination to expand the manifestations you made in February. This is your business and organization year and April is coupled with the 3 creative energy. Now is the time for you to explore your creations and expand your horizons. Reach new heights with what you already set in motion earlier this year. Delve deeper into what you desire. Concentrate on abundance. 3 is the number of communication, so if you have a speech to make, this is the month to do it. Watch the negative self-talk though. Your words carry weight, so stay positive. Get in touch with your emotions and learn to express them. Work on any unresolved issues in your relationships. This is your social month too, so dance, frolic, and have fun before the hard-working 4 energy enters your realm in May.
If you are in a 9 personal year, April is a 4 month.
In your completion, harvest, and rebirth vibration of the number 9, you have been letting go already this year. This is the time to release all unnecessary energy in your field, regardless of which realm it is in. Clean your closets and clear out what is of no use to you. Forgiveness is paramount to lighten your spiritual load. There are conclusions, endings now to make room for new beginnings in 2025. The 4 energy is diligent, focused, and determined. Ride this vibration to physically clean out what clutters your life. Discipline yourself to see your creations of last month through to fruition. Finish incomplete projects. Handle unresolved family issues. This isn’t the month to take risks, that opportunity arises next month. Now is the time to work hard and see things through to completion. Get organized, take care of your health, and resolve any legal issues. Set up a foundation for the rest of the year. May will be a jumping-off month for you with lots of opportunities.